Tekton target
Sends events to Tekton to create Tekton TaskRun
or PipelineRun
With tmctl
On Kubernetes:
apiVersion: targets.triggermesh.io/v1alpha1
kind: TektonTarget
name: triggermesh-tekton-target
success: 5m # clean up all successfully completed task runs
fail: 1h # clean up all failed task runs
Tekton Target accepts events of type io.triggermesh.targets.tekton
, which create a new Tekton PipelineRun
or TaskRun
This type expects a JSON payload with the following properties:
Name | Type | Comment |
buildType | string | The run object type consisting of task or pipeline |
name | string | The Tekton task or pipeline object to invoke |
params | map[string]string | Dictionary mapping of parameters to pass to the Tekton task or pipeline |
No response events are created with this Target type.
On Kubernetes, neither of TaskRun
and PipelineRun
objects nor their associated pods are deleted after execution. It is up to the user to perform the clean-up.
Reaping prior Tekton TaskRuns and PipelineRuns
To allow for reaping of old run objects, the TektonTarget
Spec supports defining
a duration interval (in the form of \d+[mhd]
for minute, hour, or day) for how
long to keep the run objects before purging.
Age of run objects to keep that succeededreapPolicy.fail
Age of the run objects to keep that failed
To trigger the reaping, a CloudEvent type of io.triggermesh.tekton.reap
must be sent to the target.
You can test the Target by sending it an event using curl
curl -v http://tektontarget-helloworld5d0adf0209a48c23fa958aa1b8ecf0b.default.svc.cluster.local \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Ce-Specversion: 1.0" \
-H "Ce-Type: io.triggermesh.tekton.run" \
-H "Ce-Source: awesome/instance" \
-H "Ce-Id: 536808d3-88be-4077-9d7a-a3f162705f79" \
-d '{"buildtype": "task","name": "tekton-test","params":{"greeting":"Hi from TriggerMesh"}}'
See the Kubernetes object reference for more details.
- Tekton Task or Pipeline
Refer to the Tekton documentation for information about how to create tasks and pipelines.