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Writing a Function

The TriggerMesh Function API provides opportunities to implement custom event flow logic and may act as a source, transformation, or a target. Currently, Python, NodeJS, and Ruby runtimes are supported.


You can verify that the API is available with the following command:

$ kubectl get crd
NAME                                  CREATED AT   2021-10-06T09:01:33Z

You can also explore the API specification with:

$ kubectl explain functions


The TriggerMesh Function API is an opinionated, simple to consume, Function as a Service (FaaS) system. It is aimed to be used for event processing and does not support external dependencies. Functions that may need external dependencies are best served with Knative Serving.

Example: A Python function

As an example, let's write a Python function which reads a name from an incoming payload and returns a "Hello" message.

Writing a function requires two steps:

  • Writing a function manifest
  • Applying the manifest to your Kubernetes cluster

The Function object spec requires a minimal amount of configuration:

  • The runtime, here we choose python
  • Whether the function is publicly accessible or not using the public keyword.
  • The entrypoint, which specifies the name of the function
  • The code, written in-line with the function manifest

Save the YAML manifest below in a file called function.yaml

kind: Function
  name: python-function-hello
  runtime: python
  public: true
  entrypoint: endpoint
  code: |
    def endpoint(event, context):
      return "Hello " + event['name']

You can then create the function with:

kubectl apply -f function.yaml

You can find the public endpoint of your function and test it:

$ kubectl get function
NAME                    ADDRESS                                                          READY   REASON
python-function-hello   True

$ curl -ks -d '{"name":"seb"}' |jq
  "id": "62402f5a-0a82-48e8-8e67-db68d57efdf9",
  "type": "io.triggermesh.function.python",
  "source": "",
  "specversion": "1.0",
  "time": "2021-10-11T16:26:49Z",
  "datacontenttype": "text/plain",
  "data": "Hello seb"


The returned event adheres to the CloudEvent specification.

More about Functions

Learn more about Functions on the Concepts page.