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Bridges Operator

Bridges are first-class citizens on the TriggerMesh platform. Every TriggerMesh installation includes a Kubernetes operator which reconciles Kubernetes API objects of kind Bridge. Such object is an aggregate of multiple children Kubernetes objects, much like a List-manifest, with extra lifecycle capabilities such as status reporting and garbage collection.

Data Format

The Kubernetes API objects which compose a TriggerMesh Bridge are nested under the spec.components key of a Bridge object. Such object can be generated directly from the til generate command using the --bridge flag:

$ til generate my-bridge.brg.hcl --bridge

The example below shows the shape of a Bridge object that is equivalent to the sample List-manifest from the Output format page:

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "Bridge",
  "metadata": {
    "name": "my-bridge",
  "spec": {
    "components": [
        "object": {
          "apiVersion": "example/v1",
          "kind": "SomeKind",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "some-name",
          // ...
        "object": {
          "apiVersion": "example/v1",
          "kind": "OtherKind",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "other-name",
          // ...
         more Kubernetes API objects


A Bridge object can be deployed using kubectl like any other Kubernetes API object:

$ til generate my-bridge.brg.hcl --bridge | kubectl create -f - created

A successfully deployed Bridge will be displayed with a "Ready" status:

$ kubectl get bridge my-bridge
my-bridge   True             7m


It is possible to terminate an entire Bridge by deleting its corresponding Bridge object:

$ kubectl delete -f my-bridge-manifest.json deleted