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This document describes the usage of the til CLI.

It is also possible to print some usage instructions about any command directly via the CLI by appending the -h or --help flag to the specified command:

$ til --help
Interpreter for TriggerMesh's Integration Language.

    til <command>

    generate     Generate Kubernetes manifests for deploying a Bridge.
    validate     Validate a Bridge description.
    graph        Represent a Bridge as a directed graph in DOT format.

List of commands

generate Command

Usage: til generate FILE [OPTION]...

The til generate command generates the Kubernetes manifests that allow the Bridge described in FILE to be deployed to TriggerMesh. The default output is a Kubernetes List of individual Kubernetes objects written to standard output in JSON format.


  • --bridge Output a Bridge object instead of a List-manifest.
  • --yaml Output generated manifests in YAML format.

validate Command

Usage: til validate FILE

The til validate command verifies that the Bridge described in FILE is syntactically valid and can be generated, in which case it returns with an exit code of 0. If the Bridge description contains errors, those errors are printed to standard output and the command returns with an exit code of 1.


  • --quiet Suppress non-error output.

graph Command

Usage: til graph FILE

The til graph command generates a DOT Language representation of the Bridge parsed from FILE, and writes it to standard output.

Drawings in the DOT language can be rendered in different graphic formats using the dot command-line tool from the Graphviz visualization software, or visualized directly via a web interface such as the Graphviz Visual Editor.