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Amazon DynamoDB

target aws_dynamodb "my_table" {
  arn = "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-2:123456789012:table/my-table"

  credentials = secret_name("my-aws-access-keys")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: aws

Amazon Kinesis

target aws_kinesis "my_stream" {
  arn = "arn:aws:kinesis:us-east-2:123456789012:stream/my-stream"

  credentials = secret_name("my-aws-access-keys")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: aws

Amazon Lambda

target aws_lambda "my_userpool" {
  arn = "arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-2:123456789012:userpool/my-pool"

  credentials = secret_name("my-aws-access-keys")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: aws

Amazon S3

target aws_s3 "my_bucket" {
  arn = "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket"

  credentials = secret_name("my-aws-access-keys")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: aws

Amazon SNS

target aws_sns "my_topic" {
  arn = "arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:123456789012:my-topic"

  credentials = secret_name("my-aws-access-keys")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: aws

Amazon SQS

target aws_sqs "my_queue" {
  arn = "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:my-queue"

  credentials = secret_name("my-aws-access-keys")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: aws


A single-container CloudEvents receiver which scales out automatically according to the number of concurrent requests, and scales down to zero when it doesn't receive any request for a certain amount of time.

target container "my_app" {
  image = ""
  public = false // optional

  // optional
  env_var "ENV_VAR_LITERAL" {
    value = "some value"
  env_var "ENV_VAR_FROM_SECRET" {
    value = secret_ref("secret-name", "secret-key")

This alternative, more compact syntax can be used for declaring environment variables, as long as all values have the same type (either literal string OR secret reference):

  env_vars = {
    ENV_VAR_1: "some value"
    ENV_VAR_2: "another value"


target datadog "my_metrics" {
  metric_prefix = "myapp" // optional

  auth = secret_name("my-datadog-credentials")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: datadog

Event Display

A CloudEvent receiver that logs received events to standard output. The service scales down to zero when it doesn't receive any request for a certain amount of time.

target event_display "debug" { }


target function "my_function" {
  runtime = "python"
  entrypoint = "main" // optional

  code = file("funcs/")

  // optional, applies to functions that send CloudEvent responses
  ce_context {
    type = ""

    source = "my_function" // optional
    subject = "some_subject" // optional

  public = false // optional

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Google Cloud Firestore

target gcloud_firestore "my_bucket" {
  default_collection = "users"
  project_id = "my-project"

  service_account = secret_name("my-gcloud-service-account")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: gcloud_service_account

Google Cloud Storage

target gcloud_storage "my_bucket" {
  bucket_name = "my-bucket"

  service_account = secret_name("my-gcloud-service-account")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: gcloud_service_account


target kafka "my_topic" {
  topic = "test1"

  bootstrap_servers = ["server1:9092", "server2:9092"]

  auth = secret_name("kafka-security-settings")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: kafka


target logz "my_logs" {
  logs_listener_url = ""

  auth = secret_name("my-logz-credentials")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: logz


target sendgrid "email_notifications" {
  default_from_email = "" // optional
  default_from_name = "Jane" // optional

  default_to_email = "" // optional
  default_to_name = "Woodford" // optional

  default_subject = "Notification" // optional

  auth = secret_name("my-sendgrid-credentials")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: sendgrid


target slack "my_channel" {
  auth = secret_name("my-slack-credentials")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: slack


A CloudEvent receiver that embeds a web UI which allows visualizing received events in real time. The service is exposed at a public URL via an ingress gateway, and scales down to zero when it doesn't receive any request for a certain amount of time.

target sockeye "debug" { }


target splunk "my_event_collector" {
  endpoint = ""
  index = "default" // optional

  skip_tls_verify = false // optional

  auth = secret_name("my-splunk-credentials")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: splunk_hec


target twilio "sms_notifications" {
  default_phone_from = "+10000000000" // optional
  default_phone_to = "+10000000000"   // optional

  auth = secret_name("my-twilio-credentials")

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: twilio


target zendesk "customer_tickets" {
  subdomain = "mycompany"

  email = ""
  api_auth = secret_name("my-zendesk-api-token")

  subject = "Ticket from TriggerMesh"

  //reply_to = <component>.<identifier>

Secret class: zendesk